wednesday week 6

Strength: work to heavy complex 3 power cleans+ 2 front squats+ 1 S2O Wod: 21-15-9 HSPU squat cleans  115/80...

tuesday week 6

Strength: strict press 1×3 60%, 1×3 70%, 1×4 80%, 1×3 90%, 2×5 85% Wod: 4 sets 15 cal bike 10 thrusters 95/65 rest 1:1 ...

friday week 5

Strength: gymnastic emom Wod: 21-15-9 S20 135/95 box jumps 24/20  ...

thursday week 5

Strength: DL 10×3 90% Wod: hold on for as long as possible 1 russian kbs+ 1 goblet squat 44/26 2,2 3,3 4,4 5,5 ...

wednesday week 5

practice over head position (ohs)/ mobility Wod:  11 min amrap 20 lunge wallballs 50 DU 10 snatch 115/80...

tuesday week 5

Strength: strict press 10×3 90% Wod: 3RFT 6 Power clean 185/125  18 T2B...

Monday week 5

Strength: back squat 10×3 90% Wod: for time 2000 meter row after every 500 meters 10 burpees over erg...

friday week 4

Strength: work up to 3 rep touch and go squat clean Wod: for time 80 wallballs 60 db snatch 50/35 40 box jump 20 T2B...

thursday week 4

strength: DL 7×5 85% Wod: for time 21-15-9 bar facing burpees snatch 75/55...

wednesday week 4

Korwod: tabata plank hollow hold L sit Wod: 8:30 AMRAP 5 Ring MU 10 Devils press 50s/35s...