friday week 8

Strength: weighted box step up with bar on back work to heavy set of 10 rep 5 each leg Wod:  50 box jumps  100 DU 40 bike 80 DU 30 95/65 OHS  60 DU 20 Thrusters 95/65 40 DU 10 devils press 50s/35s 20 DU...

thursday week 8

strength: DL 3×8 65%, 1×5  70%, 2×2 75%, 1×1 80% Wod: "Grace"...

wednesday week 8

Korwod: 3 attempts of max L-sit  Wod: death by burpees MU but by every 90 secounds at a time...

tuesday week 8

strength: strict press 3×8 65%, 1×5  70%, 2×2 75%, 1×1 80% Wod: 10 min AMRAP 10 front squats 135/95 10 C2B 30 Wallballs front squats...

thursday week 7

Strength: DL 1×3 65%, 1×3 75%, 1×3 85%, 3×3 90%, 1×3 95% Wod: 30-20-10 wallballs cal bike T2B...

wednesday week 7

Strength: front rack lunges work to heavy set of 10,  5 each leg Wod: 5 RFT 20 cal row 100-80-60-40-20 DU...

tuesday week 7

Strength: strict press  1×3 65%, 1×3 75%, 1×3 85%, 3×3 90%, 1×3 95% Wod: 10 min AMRAP (remember your score we will repeat in 1 month) 10 BFB 10 C2B 5 squat cleans 155/105...

Monday week 7

strength: back squat 1×3 65%, 1×3 75%, 1×3 85%, 3×3 90%, 1×3 95% Wod: Nancy...

friday week 6

Strength: work to heavy complex 2 power snatch+ 1 squat snatch+ 1 OHS Wod: 10 min AMRAP 10 GHDSU 3 MU 5 Snatch 135/95...

thursday week 6

strength: DL 1×3 60%, 1×3 70%, 1×4 80%, 1×3 90%, 2×5 85% Wod: for time 50 cal row 100 DU 50 box jump overs 50 T2B...