Strength: snatch balance+ ohs from rack work up to heavy solid complex Wod: 30-20-10 T2B snatch 95/65...
Strength: snatch balance+ ohs from rack work up to heavy solid complex Wod: 30-20-10 T2B snatch 95/65...
Strength: 5x10 weigthed step ups each leg Wod: 100 dU 10 power cleans 225/155 80 DU 8 power cleans 60 du 6 power cleans 40 du 4 power cleans 20 du 2 power cleans...
strength: clean +jerk+jerk Wod: 100 burpees to a 6 inch target above your reach for time...
Strength: back squat 5x5 75% Wod: 42-30-18 cal row alternating hang DB snatch 50/35...
Strength: work to heavy complex squat clean+ hang squat clean+jerk Wod: 14 min emom Min 1- 1 power clean 155/105 + max burpees Min 2- 2 power cleans + max burpees Min 3- 3 power cleans + max burpees Continue for 14 min score total amount of burpees done...
Strength: DL work to solid 3 rep from a deficit (stand on plates so your from 2-4 inches off ground) Wod: 5 RFT 10 Db step ups 50/35 10 DB snatch 50/35 10 DB goblet squats 50/35...