Strength: work up to quick heavy double Back Squat then go down 10 percent and do 3x3 Wod: 3RFT 15 Burpees 20 DB power clean 50s/35s 400 meter run...
Strength: work up to quick heavy double Back Squat then go down 10 percent and do 3x3 Wod: 3RFT 15 Burpees 20 DB power clean 50s/35s 400 meter run...
Strength: 5 sets of 10 glute hamstring raises Wod: 21-15-9-6-3 DL 225/155 cal bike...
Strength: high hang snatch+ low hang snatch+snatch work up to heavy complex Wod: Flight simulator...
Korwod: 10 min EMOM 10 GHDSU or 15 regular sit ups Wod: 10 min AMRAP 5 Squat snatch 135/95 1 rope climbs 10 pistols...
strength: clean and jerk complex high hang clean and jerk right into low hang clean and jerk right into clean and jerk all back to back to back without letting go of the bar work up to heavy complex Wod: 10 RFT 10 wallballs 5 C2B 1 DL 315/205...
Strength: Back squat 3 sets of 5 rep back squat right into 1 min wall sit Wod: 21-15-9 Burpees Cal row shoulder to overhead 135/95...
Strength: DL try and hold on for 20 reps Wod: 4 RFT 20 DB S2O 50/35 1 DB 20 row 40 DU 20 DB snatch...
Strength: Snatch 10 min EMOM 5 TnG reps Wod: 3 RFT 400 m run 20 DB step over...
Strength: work up to a 20 rep max back squat Wod: 21-15-9-6-3 OHS 115/75 HSPU T2B...