Strength: back squat 4x6 70% Wod: 3 RFT 400 meter run 5 wall walks 10 snatches 135/95...
Strength: back squat 4x6 70% Wod: 3 RFT 400 meter run 5 wall walks 10 snatches 135/95...
Strength: 5x10 Good mornings Wod: Acumulate 60 T2B EMOM must do 12 burpees this will be hard pressed for time so you can take a full round off if needed or cut the burpees down if needed ...
Strength: work to heavy clean and jerk complex clean+jerk+front squat+jerk Wod: For time 5-10-15 MU 21-15-9 DL 225/155 10-20-30 HSPU...
Strength: work to heavy Snatch complex power snatch+ohs+squat snatch+ohs Wod: 10 min AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10-12...
Strength: 3x10 back squat around 60% Wod: for time 10-8-6-4-2 clean and jerk 135/95 15 cal Row...
Strength: DL heavy Double then go down 10 percent 3x3 Wod: 3RFT 30 Box jump Overs 15T2B 60 DU...
Strength: 10x10 Sledgehammer strikes Wod: 5 RFT 10 Snatch 115/75 10-8-6-4-2 MU ...
Strength: work up to heavy Power clean double (2 quick singles) Wod: 12 min AMRAP HSPU 3-6-9-12-15-18-21...