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Korwod: tabata plank hollow hold sit ups Wod: 5 RFT 10 DB step overs 50s/35s 10 T2B (the grip will be challenging hanging on to the T2B after hold ing the db step overs so make sure to do the step overs quick if you can)...


Strength: 10 min emom 1 power clean + 1 squat clean Wod: 10 Min AMRAP 8 power cleans 115/75 32 DU (try and do some touch and go on cleans if not, no rest to get to the bar after jump rope)...


Strength: test 1 rep max back squat (here is the time to shine get a good warm up to make sure hips are warmed up and make bigger jumps to start then smaller as you get closer to 1 rep max and more rest) Wod: 3 RFT  10 C2B 10 BFB 10 S2O 135/95 (Goal here is to pick a weight that you wont want to pick up the bar but will be able to go unbroken and same with the C2B while heart rate is up with the burpees in between)...


Strength: 10 min every other min 5 DL at 50% (same thoughts as monday) Wod: 5RFT  5 clean 205/135 50 du (another heavier bar with an adding cardio aspect so move effeciently on the bar!!!)...


Strength: 10 min EMOM 1 power snatch + 1 squat snatch Wod: 10 min AMRAP 30 wallballs 20 box jumps 10 snatch135/95 (the legs will get heavier here so make sure to do an extra big box jump on those first few and last few)...


Strength: take 20 to 30 min work on squat clean Wod: 10 RFT run 100m 5 burpee box jumps (very simple this is what i call a "not going to fail" wod keep moving and breath during very rep every movement and keep moving cause your not going to fail)...


Strength: work up to 5 heavy single jerks (get to a heavy single probably around 80-90% and work on hitting 5 solid single jerks) Wod: for time 40 Devils press 50s/35s Every other min on the min stop and complete 10 cal ass bike including 0:00 (try and finish the bike under a min or 45 sec at a pace that you get it done with some intensity but still enough energy to go right to the db and start knocking out Devils press.)...


strength: 10 min every other min 5 back squat at 50% (this is deload week so these reps show keep your body a good movement pattern and keep your body ready to squat but nothing too taxing. these reps should be quicker with good moevment) Wod: 5 RFT 10 T2B 10 HSPU 10 front rack lunges 95/65 (dont be shocked on how these movement will compound your core will be fatigue throu the combo of t2b and front rack and your shoulder will be tired after hspu to hold that front rack, but knowing that just prepare for it and brace your core hard and fight throu)  ...


Strength: DL 6x2 92%-95% Wod: 30-20-10 goblet squats 70/53 KB assualt bike (holy quads just try and hold on to the squats and take a big breath at the top of every squat)...


Strength: 1 mile run Wod: 2 RFT 40 Box jump overs 30 cal row 20 HSPU 10 clean and jerks 155/105 (think of this as a twice baked chipper, most likely 1 or 2 of the movements you might feel confident on so push those to allow more rest on others)...