Strength DL 10x2 90% Wod: 8 min AMRAP 3 squat clean 1825/125 155/105 135/85 115/65 3,6,9,12.. HSPU...
Strength DL 10x2 90% Wod: 8 min AMRAP 3 squat clean 1825/125 155/105 135/85 115/65 3,6,9,12.. HSPU...
Strength: power clean 10 mim EMOM 3 power cleans at 75% Wod: For time 40 wallballs 30 lunges with 45/25 plate overhead 20 box jumps 10 MU or 10 pullups and 10 dips...
Korwod: 5 Rounds all unbroken then rest 10 hollow rocks 10 v-ups 10 sec hollow man hold rest 1 mn Wod: 30-20-10 OHS 95/65 75/45 Burpees...
Strength: power snatch 10 min emom 3 power snatches at 75% Wod: 10 min AMRAP 250 row 30 DU 15 C2B...
Strength: Front squat 10x2 at 90% Wod: 20-15-10-5 thrusters 95/65 75/45 T2B kipping knee raises...
Strength: DL 5x5 85% Wod: 5-4-3-2-1 thrusters 135/95 115/75 95/65 Ring/bar MU...
Strength: Full snatch 15 good lifts try to increase to a possible PR Wod: 6 RFT 10 DB DL (about )50/35 10 wallballs 10 hspu 10 DB FS...
Strength: clean and jerk 15 good lift increase weight to a possible PR Wod: 4RFT 20 cal row 15 C2B pullups 10 burpees...
Strength: back squat 5x5 at 85% Wod: 15 min AMRAP 6 S2O 155/105 135/85 115/65 9 T2B kipping knee raises 12 box jumps...