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"Shawn" hero wod (50 min time cap. Its a long one but chose how you want to run it you can do 200s 100s or mile with a watch up to you. but make sure you dont take too long on those squats and push ups or will never get any running in. also you just start with the run) ...


strength: strict press 10-8-6-4-2 (same as monday) Wod: 4RFT 7 power cleans 14 C2B 42 DU  (your weakness will show in this one seeing how it has cardio weightlifting and gymnastic components. so push where you can make time for the moevement you are slower with)...


strength: front squat 10-8-6-4-2 (find an solid easy weight for your 10 reps like 30%-50% and weight as it feels each set) Wod: 21-15-9 DL  275/185 Burpee to target 6'' above reach (try and hang on to that bar for the DL and then get into a good rythem on the burpees to target then burn it down on the 9s)...


Strength 10 minute EMOM 1 Hang clean jerk (Power or squat clean. There are a lot of squats coming in the wod, though. ; ) Also can split or power jerk.) Wod 30 Front Squats (135/95) 20 Squat cleans (135/95) 10 Squat snatch (135/95) (All movements should be performed at the same weight. As the movement gets more technical the reps become less, so your squat snatch should determine your weight for the rest if you cannot move 135/95 well under fatigue.)...


Strength Deadlift 5 sets of 10 (Last week we tested our 1 rep, so this week we will back off and do more cardio reps. Weight should be heavy while maintaining quick touch and go sets with good form.) Wod 3 Rounds for time 40 Wallballs 80 DUs (This is simple but will be tough. Goal is to do smart, manageable sets for both movements.)  ...


Strength Front squat with 3 second pause at the bottom 5 sets of 3 reps (This is to help you get comfortable and stronger in the squat clean catch. Stay in the pause for a solid 3 seconds then drive out of the bottom.  Wod 12 minute AMRAP Run 200 m 12 Pull ups  12 HSPUs (The goal for this workout is to push gymnastics under fatigue. Keep moving and recover on the run.)    ...


Strength Hang Snatch Work up to a heavy double (Power or squat. You can drop the bar between reps, but should be quick singles.) Wod 4 sets Work 2 minutes Row 250/200 m max thrusters remaining time (75/55) Rest 2 minutes  (This is endurance training, so the thruster weight should be lighter. Something you can keep moving quick sets for about 1 minute. Your 2 minutes of work should be a sprint.)  ...


Strength  Double DB overhead walking lunges  5 sets of 10 lunges (5 per leg) (You can work up in weight, but all sets should be a challenging weight. Get a good lockout overhead and press up into the dumbells. DBs should not be touching overhead.) Wod 10 down to 1 Double KB Hang snatch (53s/35s) Burpees to 6" target (This is a movement we dont do often, so use appropriate weight to maintain good form. Best technique is to swing between the legs to overhead.)  ...


strength: test 1 rep DL (same prupose as mondays 1 rep max squat) Wod: 21-15-9 135/95 front rack lunges HSPU GHDSU...


Strength: Push press 80% 5x5 Wod: for time run 1 mile row 2000 meters...