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Strength: back squat 6x4 work up within those 6 sets Wod: 7RFT 7 thrusters 95/65 7 T2B (the transition is key here it is pretty easy to go ub on these movements its about your effort to get to one movement back to the other)...


Strength 1 Push Press + 1 Jerk (Push press followed by jerk with no rerack in between. Jerk can be a split or push jerk.)   Wod Accumulate 5 minute dead hang Every break do 10 HSPU  10 Air squats (If 5 minutes is too much ((example: you can only hang for about 10-20 seconds at a time for first sets.)) scale back to 2 or 3 minute hang.)...


Strength  Deadlift 5 sets of 5    Wod 5 Rounds  10 BFB 10 OVHD Squats (115/80) Rest 1 minute (The rest encourges you to go fast on the burpees and squats. Barbell should be something you can do 10 UB.)  ...


Strength Sled Push  8 sets of 50m push (Moderate to Heavy weight)   Wod 40 Deadlifts (95/65) 20 GHDSU 30 Clean and Jerks (95/65) 20 GHDSU 20 Snatches (95/65) 20 GHDSU (Barbell weight should be lighter. Something you can do big sets to start. Modify GHD to regular situps if needed.)...


Strength Snatch  5 sets of 2 (Squat or power. Work up to a heavy double.)   Wod For time 100 DUs 1000 m Row 100 DUs 1000 m Row (This wod is all cardio. Try and push your pace.)...


Strength Back Squat 5 sets of 6 Work up to heavy 6   Wod 8 Rounds Run 200 m 3 Cleans (185/125) (Clean weight should be heavy, but managable for quick singles)...


Strength: sumo deadlift 5x3 work up to solid 3 reps within those 5 sets Wod: for time 80 cal row 60 wallball 40 box jumps 20 db squat snatch 50/35 (their is a lot of legs in this work out so make sure always taking big breaths to get oxygen to those muscles and make sure to strech out the hips ankles and shoulders out so your able to get in the bottom of that db squat snatch)  ...


Strength: Front squats 5x5 75% Wod: "flight simulator" ...


Strength: 10 min emom snatch (work to solid 70-80% or 1RM and be consitent on your movement) Wod:  for time 50-40-30-20-10 air squats 5-4-3-2-1 wall walks ( focus on pushing that lactic acid in the legs on air squats because you wont need legs on wall wallks)...


strength: clean and jerk 10 sets to hit a heavy 1 rep (every time you attemp a clean and jerk thats  sets so plan out your 10 sets appropriately) Wod: for time 12-9-6-9-12 front squats 135/95 20-15-10-15-20 cal row (try and do the front squats unbroken so that means do be overly agressive on the rower)...